Bed and Breakfast Update


I thought a quick update was in order on the bed and breakfast debate on Maui. Saturday’s Maui News reported that the full county council gave its initial approval for a revised bed and breakfast ordinance. The council met on Friday to discuss the new bill prepared by the planning department and the county council planning committee. The new bill would expand the definition of bed and breakfasts and provide for a more streamlined permitting process. The council has been working on new legislation since earlier this year. This has been a hot button issue since the county began cracking down on non-permitted bed and breakfasts and vacation rentals. The underground industry had grown significantly as those interested in running home based accommodations struggled with what one might argue was a broken permitting process. The bill will go up for a second reading and council approval on December 19th. We will continue to keep you posted on the status of the bill on the Maui Real Estate blog. For more details on Friday’s meeting and the specifics of the new bill, check out the Maui News online.

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