Honua’ula Debate to Be Continued


On Tuesday evening, the county land use committee listened to passionate testimony for and against the proposed Honua’ula development in South Maui. The number of people who wanted to make comments was so lengthy that a second meeting has been scheduled for Friday to accommodate those that were not heard during the meeting. Opponents of the project who had the opportunity to speak focused on issues such as infrastructure, urbanization, traffic, water supply and the destruction of native plant communities. Those speaking in favor of the project cited the creation of affordable housing and construction jobs. With over 1400 units planned, Honua’ula has drawn considerable attention island wide. While the majority of public testimony has been against the project, the minority that advocates the project for the high number of affordable units has also been very vocal. We will continue to follow this debate on the MauiRealEstate.com blog.

For additional information on Tuesday’s meeting, check out the article in today’s Maui News.

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