Every month, we post a Maui cultural calendar in our newsletter, The Coconut Chronicles. A busy schedule has pushed the publication of the newsletter from the start of the month towards the middle of the month. That means many of the events featured in the Chronicles are long since over by the time the calendar gets out. In order to keep everyone up to date, I want to provide a weekly calendar of Maui Cultural Events on the blog.
Wednesday February 2, 2004 Maui Film Festival: Easy 5:30, 7:30 MACC Castle Theater
Thursday February 3, 2004
All that Dance 7:30 MACC Castle Theater
32 Years of Hand Building with Colored Clays and Still Excited!
Faith Rahill
Thursday, February 3, 7:00 pm
Hui No’ Eau
Friday February 4, 2004 Ahn Trio 7:30 MACC Castle Theater
Saturday February 5, 2004 Judy’s Gang in It’s All in the Name 7:30 MACC Castle Theater
For additional information on these events visit the Maui Arts and Cultural Center and the Hui No’ Eau websites.