Balinese Style in Maui


People will often ask the question where do people from Maui go on vacation. The answer is all over the world from Vegas, to ski resorts to Asia and beyond. Bali has traditionally been a popular vacation destination for people in Maui. This beautiful in Indonesia is known for its beautiful architecture and arts. It is not surprising that some Maui residents have taken Balinese furniture, art and even architectural styles and incorporated them in to their homes. Our listing, the Pali Makai Estate is a residence that incorporates all three elements. The owner made a number of trips to Bali and Indonesia for design ideas, materials, art and furniture. The selection of photos below show some of the Balinese and Asian themed aspects to the home.

This home is listed for $4,000,000 without furnishings. Contact us today for an exclusive showing.

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