The Second Paia FAME


Paia will be hosting its second final Friday event tonight. On the last Friday of every month, the shops and galleries of Paia are staying open late and hosting special activities. The event is being dubbed with the acronym of FAME short for Fashion, Art, Music and Entertainment. The event kicked off last month and it is picking up steam with a variety of events planned.

The Shops and Galleries at the Paia General Store will be bustling. The lovely and talented Karen B will be performing at Indigo tonight starting at 6:30. Hana Highway Surf will be hosting music and a bikini fashion show starting at 7:00. The Sutrov Gallery will be open featuring painting and sculpture from local artists. Da Vine Art will be hosting wine tasting and the artwork of Laura Mango and Anna Keay.

Down a little ways on Hana Highway, Tamara Catz will be having a sample sale all day with refreshments served in the afternoon and evening. Josephine’s Lingerie & Boutique will be hosting a Sex and the City Party sponsored by Ocean Vodka.

Charley’s Bar reopened after its fire last week. It is having a more grand reopening tonight with 5 different musical acts performing. The music starts at 7:00 with the Manao Radio Orchestra. At 8:00, the Planetary Bandits take the stage, at 9:00 Vince Esquire will be performing and the Haiku Hillbillies will be getting down at 10:00. The night caps off with Gomega taking the stage at 11:00.

On a related note, as of today Paia merchants will be Plastic Bag Free as of today. There will be a benefit concert tomorrow at 5:00 to commemorate the event at Island Cuisine Paia (Across the street from the Shell Station). The concert will feature Micah Wolf and others. This should be a great weekend in Paia. I hope to see some of you out and about town.

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