County to Slow New Development Until General Plan is Completed


The county of Maui is currently in the process of drafting a new general plan. The plan is a blue print for development on the island through the year 2030. It sets boundaries for growth and designates areas for different types of land use. The process to develop the plan has entailed a lot of work. Progress has been slow and mile stones in the development of the plan are frequently missed. There has been some concern raised about development proceeding outside the governance of a general plan. The mayor and the planning department have proposed to stall development while the general plan catches up. The mayor and the planning department have indicated that they will not approve new development that requires land use changes until the plan is completed.

The decision is not without controversy. Some members of the Maui County Planning Commission and the General Plan Advisory Committee have expressed concern about how long the moratorium will last and its impact on an existing shortage of affordable housing. There was a good editorial addressing the issue in today’s Maui News. While a pause makes sense, the general plan needs to be completed with more urgency.

We will continue to follow new development issues and the general plan on THE Maui Real Estate Blog.

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