Maui General Plan Draft Completed


Maui’s planning department unveiled its draft of the general plan for Maui County on Thursday. The department has been working for a number of years on the plan that will help shape future growth on the island. While there is an existing plan for Maui, it is becoming both outdated and lacked any sort of enforcement to back the mandates of the plan. The new plan hopes to shape development over the next twenty years. Enforcement for the new plan will be provided by Maui County Bill 84 which was created back in 2002.

The draft general plan envisions increasing density in Maui backed through Urban Growth boundaries. It envisions over 40,000 new housing units by 2030. Provisions in the plan are being made to ensure that the bulk of that housing is allocated to island residents. The plan also includes provisions for preservation and designation of prime agricultural lands, as well as preservation of culturally sensitive areas including large portions of East Maui. The planning department will be presenting the plan to the general public through a series of meetings over the next few months for public feedback. Check out Saturday’s Maui News for additional details on the preliminary plan. We will continue to follow the progress of the General Plan on the Maui Real Estate Blog.

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