According to the Maui News, the Maui County Council Planning Committee continued to make small steps towards resolving the outstanding Transient Vacation Rental and Bed and Breakfast debate. The council has been working on the issue on and off since March. TVRs and Bed and Breakfasts have been a hot button issue for over a year when the mayor began to enforce existing ordinances on non-permitted rentals and B and B’s. Previous county administrations had taken a reactive approach as the permitting process proved to be a quagmire. The result of the mayor’s policy was the closing of hundreds of vacation rentals throughout the county.
The county council has been working on a compromise that would allow for broader definition of bed and breakfasts, a more streamlined process and better overall regulation. Much of the Tuesday meeting was consumed by public testimony. The committee did vote to approve the recommendations of the Molokai and Lanai Planning Commissions and the Hana Advisory Committee regarding conditions for bed and breakfast operations in these areas of the county. The committee also voted to approve Bed and Breakfast House Rules suggested by county planning director Jeff Hunt. Hunt’s rules are intended to improve relations with neighbors. They include quiet hours, no overnight on-street parting and no loud stereos. The council started to address the issue of a cap for the number of bed and breakfasts on island. That issue was tabled until the next meeting on August 19th.
The planning committee has spent most of its time addressing bed and breakfasts. They have yet to take on the more controversial issue of TVRs. TVRs are vacation rentals without on site owners or managers. This will likely be a more contentious debate. We will continue to follow this issue on THE Maui Real Estate Blog.