If you are interested in getting out of the house for a meal tomorrow, you have the opportunity to dine out for a good cause. A number of island restaurants will be taking part in the first ever Dine Out for Hospice Maui Event. Participating restaurants will be donating a portion of tomorrow’s dinner or lunch time sales to Hospice. The event helps to commemorate this important local non-profit’s 29th year on Maui. There are restaurants to choose from in Central Maui, West Maui, The North Shore, Upcountry and South Maui. Check out the Hospice Maui website for a list of participating restaurants.
Maui Real Estate Market Update Q1 2025 Vol. 1
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The twenty-eight days of February seemed to pass by quickly. Almost too quickly for me to post my Maui Real Estate Market Update Q1 2025