Hale Mua continues to make the papers as this affordable housing development is debated by the county council Housing and Human Services committee. Today’s Maui News has an article reporting that county Planning Director Mike Foley has suggested that the developer withdrawal the application for the project until he is able to address additional infrastructure concerns. Foley commented that he is concerned that the project might be rejected in the fast track process where council votes yay or nay within 45 days or the project automatically moves forward. He proposes that the developer ammend his application and resubmit the application within a “few days”. Developer Sterling Kim contends that these modifications are not as simple as suggested, and he is likely to push forward with his proposal as it currently stands. We will continue to follow the fast track application process for Hale Mua as the deadline for county council decisions approaches.
Maui Real Estate Market Update Q4 2024 Vol. 2
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Parties, last-minute shopping, and trying to post a Maui Market Update. The holidays can be a busy time of the year. The Maui Real Estate