Maui Whale Season coming to an End


Whale Season is coming to an end on Maui. I imagine we may still see a few stragglers that are enjoying their last moments in the warm Maui waters. I have seen whales off of Maui as late as the first week of May. That being said, most of our winter time visitors have started their migration north towards their summer grounds in the food rich waters off the coast of Alaska. The Maui News had a cool article today about the Atlantis Submarine’s encounter with a pod of whales in early April. The pod circled the Atlantis for over 45 minutes as the sub lay still just off the ocean floor. The group of whales included a number of males who were vying for the attention of a female in the pod. Here is an amazing video showing some of the encounter.

The crew of the Atlantis said this was the first time that their vessel had the privilege of watching this behavior up close. While it may be a while before I get to see the whales up close and personal again, this video makes for a pretty good remembrance of the 2008-2009 Maui Whale Season.

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