A & B is planning an 826 acre residential project called Waiale just outside of Kahului town. They are not going at it alone. They have reached out to the community to ask for their input as they develop plans for the project. Over the last week, a 5 hour workshop was held incorporating A & B employees, county officials and interested citizens. This is part of a four part public commentary that will be incorporated in to A & B’s conceptual master plan to be presented later this month. A & B is incorporating “smart growth†into their plans for the Waiale. The smart growth practice advocates higher home density with greater open space for parks and schools. Among the main concerns addressed by community members are how the development will impact traffic congestion. There is another planning session planned for Waiale this coming Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at East to West Trading Shop in the Maui Mall.
Maui Real Estate Market Update Q1 2025 Vol. 1
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The twenty-eight days of February seemed to pass by quickly. Almost too quickly for me to post my Maui Real Estate Market Update Q1 2025